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eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
As the call heightens, for governments and businesses in Nigeria to better deploy Information Technology applications for economic growth, local and foreign industry associations have come together in a pact aimed at implementing this objective.

To this effect, the Information Technology Association of Nigeria (ITAN) and the Nigeria Computer Society (NCS) have joined hands with the World Information Technology Services Alliance (WITSA) and formed a Government Advisory Group (GAG) to give impetus to the implementation of IT development strategies across the nation.

Other objectives of the partnership, are to expose members to trends in e-Government and strategies for the creation of wealth and jobs with IT in tandem with best practices across the world and to create a platform for networking and the exchange of ideas among the key IT decision makers in Nigeria and around the world.

Announcing this partnership in Lagos at the weekend, Chris Uwaje, a leading proponent for the effective deployment of IT by governments and businesses across the country said it was imperative at this time and in the face of the current worldwide financial crisis to strategise for speedy recovery.

Uwaje, who was representing Jimson Olfuye, the president of the Information Technology Association of Nigeria (ITAN) said that in this regard Dato Dan E. Khoo of Malaysia, who is the chairman if WITSA, would be visisting Nigeria from April 20 to 25 this year with his entourage, to promote foreign direct investments into the country, as part of Nigeria's benefit of membership.

Khoo will also in the course of the visit, inaugurate the WITSA/ITAN/NCS Government Advisory Group.

He is likewise expected to later play an active role in ADIPENG-2009 (Advancing the Dynamics of ICT Policy Engineering), a three-day WITSA/ITAN/NCS international conference and workshop scheduled for April 20 to 24, at the Transport Hilton Hotel, Abuja.

Uwaje said it was notable that a handful of state governments, business entities and the Federal Government had IT policies and added that these policies needed to be taken to the next level for better government service delivery on the e-platform for the people and for effective governance across government and organisations. He said that ADIPENG 2009 was a global conference and workshop for ICT policy decision makers across all levels of governance in Nigeria, including federal, states and local government and that ICT decision makers in corporate concerns would be welcome.

Also, he said, it would be an opportunity for states, local governments and other entities without an ICT policy to adapt better practices for a leapfrog experience.

Those expectedat the event includeIsmail Radwan - the World Bank Chief Economist to Nigeria, Jim Ovia - CEO Zenith Bank, Oye Ibidapo-Obe who is a professor and Preident of the Nigerian Academy of Sciences, as well as Cleopas Aganye, a professor of Information Systems, who is also Director-General of the National Information Technology Development Agency (NITDA) and Charles Uwadia, also a professor and President of the Nigeria Computer Society (NCS). Also expected to attend is Adenike Osofisan, President the Computer Professionals Registration Council of Nigeria (CPN).

In December last year, a new window of opportunity for global reckoning was opened for Nigeria , with the admission of Nigeria into WITSA to represent the Nigerian It and services industry.


Autor(en)/Author(s): Bill Okonedo

Quelle/Source: BusinessDay, 24.03.2009

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