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To promote transparency in governance in its expenditure and income, the Bayelsa State Government has inaugurated a Multi-Stakeholders Working Group (BSWG). It also signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with Revenue Watch Institute (RWI), to ensure a smooth process. Abimbola Akosile and Yemi Babalola analyse a vital initiative, which is capable of curbing restiveness in a resource-rich but volatile region.

Transparency Initiative

Governor of Bayelsa State, Chief Timipre Sylva - who was sworn in on May 28, 2008 - has expressed a commitment to run a transparent and accountable government that seeks sustainable development for its citizens beyond oil.

Key components of his government's Sustainable Development Strategy include to sustain the current peaceful environment and enhance investment climate in Bayelsa State; and to seek financial and technical partnership with international development partners (UNDP, World Bank, DfID, EU) to achieve the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs).

The strategy also seeks to review and strengthen government revenue, budgetary and expenditure processes; and design a comprehensive communication strategy to raise awareness and advocate Bayelsa State initiatives to foster revenue transparency and accountability.

The Bayelsa Expenditure and Income Transparency Initiative (BEITI) owned and driven by the Bayelsans is proposed to open up the books of the state to the highest levels of scrutiny and situate Bayelsa as Nigeria's most transparent State government.

It (BEITI) aims to bring transparency through monitoring of public expenditure (State, Niger Delta Ministry, LGAs, private sector voluntary contributions); and to audit government receipts from Federal Government, Internally Generated Revenues (IGR); and actual transfers to Local Government Authorities.

Identified Benefits

Transparency is needed to allow democratic debate on fiscal policy and spending priorities. When information is hidden, people can build unrealistic expectations about the state riches which are bound to be frustrated.

BEITI is expected to strengthen accountability in both the executive and legislative branches of government by reducing opportunities for corruption and the potential for waste of public resources.

It also creates a platform for monitoring revenue and expenditures which will improve economic planning and resource allocation. Fostering greater transparency can improve service delivery and access to basic social services to address the needs of the poor.

Demands for greater transparency not only come from citizens but also from international financial institutions, investors, banks, donor organisations and international civil society. Lack of transparency is seen as a major obstacle to the creation of a favorable investment climate, better management of public resources and poverty reduction.

A more transparent system will stimulate private sector investment and mobilise more resources to achieve the goals outlines in Bayelsa State Sustainable Development Strategy.

Expansive Scope

The BEITI was conceived to ensure transparency in the receipt, allocation, accounting and management of the State resources through creation of a multi-stakeholder Steering Committee under the leadership of a 'BEITI Champion' appointed by the Executive Governor of Bayelsa State.

It is also expected to birth the development of a detailed work plan - including cost of proposed activities - which will represent the platform for reform of Bayelsa State finances and expenditure processes; and set up a clear mechanism for civil society engagement in the budget process at the State and local government authority; including budget monitoring and public awareness toolkit.

The initiative was also formulated to develop a framework for annual independent financial and process audits of state and local government authorities finances; and to establish an expenditure tracking mechanism for key projects in all priority areas of Bayelsa State Sustainable Development Strategy and towards meeting the Millennium Development Goals.

BEITI is also to assist in the draft and passage into law of a Bayelsa State Expenditure and Income Transparency Bill; and manage technical and financial assistance from development partners, donor agencies and the Federal Government to implement BEITI.

Hopeful Outcomes

A successful implementation of the BEITI initiative is expected to ginger international recognition and local perception of Bayelsa as Nigeria's most transparent State; ensure better public service delivery and access to basic social services; and increased private investment and access to development finance.

It is also geared towards empowerment of civil society and communities in budget making processes; institutionalisation of due process and good management of resource revenues; and decrease in vulnerability to conflict and social violence.

Working Group Members

Top officials of the Bayelsa government have been drafted into the Bayelsa State Working Group (BSWG) to put the initiative to test.

These include Director-General, Bureau of Due Process & e-Governance, Dimieari Von Kemedi (Chairman/BEITI Champion); Commissioner for Finance & Budget, Dr. Opuala Charles; Commissioner for Justice & Attorney-General, Mr. George Ikoli (SAN); his Information and Health counterparts, Chief Asara A. Asara, and Dr. Azibapu Eruani respectively.

Others are Chairman, Public Accounts Committee, Bayelsa State House of Assembly (BYSHA); Chairman, Appropriation, Finance & Economic Planning Committee (BYSHA); Executive Director, Development Initiators (Chairman, BANGOF), Mr. Philip Slaboh; Head of Niger Resource Centre, Environmental Rights Action (Secretary, BANGOF), Mr. Morris Alagoa; and Assistant Programme Advisor, Pro-Natura International (BANGOF), Mrs. Margaret Dudafa Inokoba.

The rest are Mrs. Sophia Mbakwe - Government & Community Relations, Statoil Hydro; Mr. Funkakpo Fufenyi - Government & Community Relations Manager, Shell Petroleum Development Company (SPDC); Representative of Agip Oil; Chief Wariebi Agamene and Engr. Udengs Eradiri - Ijaw National Council; Representative of the Niger Delta Ministry; and Mr. Dauda Garuba - Observer on behalf of Revenue Watch Institute (RWI).

Timely Inauguration

The Bayelsa State Government inaugurated the Multi-Stakeholders Working Group (BSWG) in Yenagoa, the state capital.

The long-awaited move followed a series of consultations and negotiations which started in 2007 with Revenue Watch Institute (RWI), which culminated in the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between the Bayelsa Government and RWI.

At the well-attended event, Governor Timipre Sylva formally identified the working group members, which kicked off the Bayelsa Expenditure and Income Transparency Initiative (BEITI).

According to the Director-General, Dimieari Von Kemedi, the goal of the Initiative is to improve the management of oil and gas resources for economic development through transparency and accountability in governance.

Bayelsans are now challenged to demand for good governance accountability and transparency.

The group members are expected to begin work immediately, in a bid to effect the goals of Governor Sylva to turn Bayelsa into a haven for investors and a paradigm of accountability and transparency.

Gubernatorial Inspiration

In his address at the BSWG inauguration in Yenagoa, Governor Timipre Sylva restated his commitment to deepening consultation and popular participation in governance.

According to him "My first responsibility is to form and deploy a government that is accountable, transparent, efficient and effective, responsive, visionary and in tone with the Rule of Law".

He said his team would ensure that appropriate policies, structures and legislation are put in place to empower the people of Bayelsa State to participate effectively in governance.

The governor added that the reality of the global financial meltdown demands that any responsible government should be ingenious in the handling of its expenditure and income in a manner that benefits its people.

"Today's event confirms and re-affirms our will and commitment to drive that process for a united, secured and prosperous Bayelsa State through a transparent and accountable management of expenditure and income of the state", Sylva said.

"For me and all other members of my government, the value for money - especially as it relates to allowing budget to reflect people's priorities and aspirations, proper management of the budgeting process, and judicious utilisation of funds - is a key instrument of governance", he added.

The governor said the initiative will also further complement the Due Process policy of his administration through which revenue leakage have been blocked and much money saved.

"We will ground this process in law, and we will extend it to the local government level to demonstrate our passionate commitment to transparency and accountability in governance".

He called for commitment of members of the Multi-stakeholder Working Group to serve the people.

Other Interventions

The Nigerian Programme Coordinator of Revenue Watch Institute (RWI), Mr. Dauda Garuba, speaking on the technical assistance RWI will be providing to the process said it would be two-fold.

Firstly they will assist the government to organise its system to enable it track expenditures and incomes and spend such money in a beneficial way to the people of Bayelsa. Second is to support the CSOs in Bayelsa under the umbrella of Bayelsa NGO Forum (BANGOF) and see how they can assist them through capacity building process, to engage government on the process.

Representative of BANGOF, Philip Slaboh said the people have been clamouring for such an initiative and he is happy that the government is embracing the process.

"We (CSOs) are going to work to ensure the government doesn't say this is what we are doing on the paper. We will get to the grassroots, we are going to ask questions, we will make sure that public records are available to the people to scrutinise and make inputs in order to have a transparent and accountable government in the state."

African Regional Coordinator of RWI, Emmanuel Kuyole, said the Institute is particularly excited about the development.

To him, "the initiative is about openness and effective governance. It is about the improvement of the living standards of the people. and the attempt to engage directly with the people at the local level is something RWI truly supports. It is part of our global initiative of transparency and good management of resources".

Cautious Optimism

The BEITI transparency initiative is a welcome development, coming up in an area which had previously been accused of profligacy in oil revenue spending.

Better still is the collaborative process, where government is to rub minds with the civil society, private sector operators, and international organisations to promote transparency and prudent spending.

The process, if strictly applied as stated in the MoU, with autonomy for the BSWG members, can only ensure improved governance in Bayelsa. It can also act as a template for other states in the Niger Delta and subsequently Nigeria. That can only portray good tidings for all.


Quelle/Source: AllAfrica, 11.03.2009

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