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Monday, 8.07.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
The Federal Character Commission (FCC) isconsidering a proposal to issue a data card for all workers in the ministries, departments and agencies.The card is a multipurpose application device that can be used for manpower management, budget planning for workforce as well as retirement planning for the country.

Speaking at the visit to the NigComSat Limited head-quarter at Lugbe Abuja, FCC chairman, sub-committee on Com-munication and Broad-casting Alhaji Muhammad Ari Gwaska who made the plans known said its time for Nigerian workers to have an electronic management systems.

He said the Commission will study the proposal by the NigComSat Ltd and determine its benefit to the Nigerian worker.

He said "We are satisfied with the way this smart card is and from here we ll go and meet our consultant to see whether this applications will go for FCC workers at the headquarters, states offices or even all workers at the MDAs"

Gwaska who led the delegation of the Commission was impressed with the Smart Card developed by NigComSat's engineers saying, "the world is moving very fast from analogue to digital therefore its important and even cost effective to manage human resources electronically".

Demonstrating the card, Managing Director of the NigComSat Ltd, Engr Ahmed T. Rufai said apart from the human resource efficiency within the system it has an added advantage as a foundation of egovernment that is much talk about.

He said Agencies can use the card as a means of monitoring the performance, attendance, task, and absconding from duty by workers.

He said the card has capacity also to ensure security of working environment through entrance and exits control within the premises of the MDAs and other organisations.

"One think with this technology is very cheap and affordable and is a world class technology that is guaranteed in quality".

"The technology is a web-base, which allows monitoring from any where in the world. An officer can monitor his staff where ever he is located and no matter the distance they are".

On the availability of the card Rufai said "We have capacity to produce it not only for Nigeria but for export within west Africa and other parts of the World because technology is one way once you know it, you know it. There is no issue of colour or race in the area of technological advancement".

"So we are thinking that of pioneering this technology, some how as a new plus to this 'can do it' attitude and from there we will be able to stimulate other organisations to contribute for the national growth".

Rufa'i explained further that It is going to be very cheap, "as i told you produce this card through our overhead budget, the issue is just of value addition. When you convert knowledge into product the proportion is one to eight thousand.

The problem of this country has always been that some of these modules are always been produce outside and just assemble it here. But we went backward now, which is backward integration to take it right from fundamental level into a sub system then into system level.

For full details for DTCC click here.


Quelle/Source: Trading Markets, 02.02.2009

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