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Wednesday, 3.07.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
THE Federal Government has embarked on the construction of a government portal on the internet. This is to facilitate the development of government-to-government, government-to-commerce, and commerce-to-government interactions on the web. This development is a major landmark in government's efforts to deploy IT in the running of its affairs and in bringing development to the people.

Announcing this last week, Prof. Gabriel Ajayi, Director-General of the National Information Technology Development Agency, the government agency responsible for implementing policies on IT in the country, said that the overall objective of government in the development of IT infrastructure, is to see that IT is used for the education of the Nigerian people, for the creation of wealth, poverty eradication, job creation and for global competitiveness of Nigerians.

The construction of the portal is an integral part of government's effort to give fuller meaning to its desire to make the process of governance IT-driven through its Public Service Information Network (PSNET).

PSNET is being implemented in phases with Phase one already in its final stages. This phase commenced with the set up of the Presidential Network, which connects the Presidency, the Vice President's office, Secretary to the Government of the Federation, Ministers, Chief Economic Adviser, etc.

This phase of the project, when finally completed, will also link up the Federal Ministries in the Federal Capital Territory(FCT) Abuja. Under the phase, the Presidential Network has already been provided with internet access.

The Phase two of PSNET has also commenced. It is expected to provide the 36 states with intranets with the central nodes at the various state capitals. Broadband Wireless Acess technology, VSAT and optic fibre technology would be deployed to provide an effective backbone for the networks.

Already the government is set to launch the intranet project in some states as part of the PSNET, with the Oyo State government leading the way this week. Oyo State will be closely followed by Plateau state and Sokoto State which will be launching within a fortnight. Some six other States will follow suite. NITDA's DG, Prof. Ajayi said the launch in these states demonstrates the commitment of the government and his agency to the e-government project.

The phase three of the project will provide the IT infrastructure at the Local Government level.

Once the various phases of the project are completed, the networks will be integrated to provide the infrastructure for e-governance.

Indeed government through NITDA has already commenced work to allow for a citizens-centred government through the e-government project. The Italian government is lending a helping hand in this direction to deploy an e-government solution to Nigeria.

The goal, according to Prof. Ajayi, is to move the various ministries and agencies to the position where they no longer see themselves as separate and distinct entities but as one government, one that collaborates, shares information, and leverages on the collective knowledge to provide the public with integrated services speedily and efficiently.

Quelle: All Africa

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