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Friday, 5.07.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
All is set for the roll out of the final chapters of Nigeria's Information Communication Technology for Development (ICT4D) Action Plan by the National Information Technology Development Agency (NITDA) which hosted an all-stakeholders' meeting last week in Lagos to articulate views on the draft and forge Nigeria's roadmap to be among the world's 20 leading economies by year 2020.

The World Bank had projected last year that information technology would be responsible on a scale of 70/30, for determining real growth in most countries from 2015 and that by 2020, the most critical factor that would separate developed economies from non-developed ones would be hinged on whether a country would be an ICT have or ICT have-not country.

"It is important to note that the direct relevance and usefulness of the Nigeria ICT4D Plan in achieving the present administration Seven Point Agenda and positioning Nigeria amongst the 20 leading economies by year 2020. The final document which would be the outcome of this workshop will therefore be presented to the Federal Executive Council for approval by all stakeholders," said Director General of NITDA Professor Cleopas Angaye who kickstarted the stakeholders meeting in Lagos.

He added that in sub-Sahara Africa, only South Africa has made substantial progress in leapfrogging its economy through ICT with heavy investment made in the last 10 years to build robust information infrastructures and developed sufficient human capacity to manage its increasingly ICT-led economy. Also in the last decade, according to the World Bank, Philippines, Malaysia, Brazil, Vietnam and Eastern European nations including Hungary and Poland have made remarkable progress to join India and China to become part of the New Economic Order.

To the stakeholders, Nigeria's only option outside of becoming part of this New Order is to cease to exist. "We must realise that full integration of ICT in achieving our development goals is crucial to getting anywhere near India or any of the newly emerging economies. I am glad that a meeting of this nature is holding to get everyone involved in drawing our common destiny," said President of Nigeria Internet Group (NIG) and CEO of Lagos based Pinet Informatics.

As is the case in India and other countries with well defined ICT direction, The ICT4D is expected to enable government pay more focused attention on effective policy direction for the country's IT industry; development of appropiate IT infratsructure; development of appropiate guidelines and standard as well as ICT curriculae for our educational sector; capacity building for a gloabally competitive workforce; enhanced healthcare deleivery; and effective law enforcement and judicial system. Others are development of agricultural sector to enhance food security; and creation of the necessary enabling environment for the full integration of IT in the country's national environment.

The Nigeria's ICT4D is being put together by a by a broad based committee with members drawn from various segments of corporate Nigeria such as technology, health, banking, education and the media. The committee itself is chaired by a private sector player in the person of Dr Armstrong Takang, CEO of Abuja based Alteq Consulting.


Quelle/Source: AllAfrica, 23.01.2008

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