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Friday, 5.07.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
President Olusegun's Obasanjo’s National eGovt initiative across the federal, states and local government areas of the country received a boost in Lagos Monday.

The occasion was the signing of alliance partnership agreement between National eGovernment Strategies Ltd (NeGSt) and O & G Eftpos Pty of Australia on eRevenue solutions for states and local governments.

NeGSt which was inaugurated March 8, 2004, as a public-private partnership between the Federal Government and the Organised Private Sector (OPS) took off with a clear vision to address the internally generated revenue (IGR) problems of the states and local governments in the country.

According to the managing director of the company, Dr. Felix Obada, to achieve this assignment, NeGSt divided the country into three zones.

The South-western states were grouped to one, the Southeastern states, one and the Northern states as one, for easy coverage. He said there will also be terminals and kiosks that will be in place for easy accessibility.

Obada said NeGSt has put in place robust solutions which will involve the consolidated banks for the eGovt's implementation. "We will put infrastructure in place with no cost, invest in most robust applications and over time will make our money," he assured pointing out the first benefit of the eGovernment initiative is to the citizens before the investors in the project.

Giving more insight into their plans, the NeGSt MD said the company is committed to providing best-in-class platform to ensure solid support from the governments on the rapid implementation of the revenue collection solutions.

He further explained that the governments which implement the eRevenue solutions can expect to increase their internally generated revenues by as much as 300 percent within the first year of implementation, with potential for significant further increases.

On his part, the CEO of O & G Eftpos, Mr. Benjamin Adebajo, said his company would provide easy to use applications to Nigerians. He said, "we will be providing a user-friendly, accurate, auditable and convenient solution that will solve many issues that the governments face in a consistent and timely manner'.

O & G Eftpos is technology partner to Interswitch Limited, the leading transaction switching company that has already connected to all the major banks in the country.

eRevenue solutions provides governments with a single payment reporting source of all internally generated revenue collections via various channels whilst at the same time ensuring that all funds are collected, cleared and remitted to the operating accounts of the govts at their lead banks instantly.

Adebajo said e-Revenue will help government to know monies collected on their behalf, as government doesn't know every tax payer.

'There will be identification process, through a data base', and even the tenement rate payers will be known through data base, he said.

The interest of Governor Olagunsoye Oyinlola of Osun State on eRevenue solutions was particularly commended, while enjoining other states to emulate the good example.

It was also revealed at the occasion that Lagos State's IGR has improved from N500 million to about N7 billion monthly through aggressive revenue drive.

On the question of security of online transanctions, Obada said there is enough security in the system, via two ways, which he said are: technology security and sanction security to take care of cyber crime offenders.

Autor: Emmanuel Otaru

Quelle: This Day, 15.03.2006

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