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Wednesday, 15.01.2025
Transforming Government since 2001
The Asean Executive Seminar on e-Government and the Initiative for Asean Integration (IAI) Seminar opened yesterday at the Mandarin Hotel in Singapore, as stated in a press release from the Singapore High Commission. The e-Government Executive Seminar is a joint effort between Singapore and the e-Asean Task Force. The seminars which are being hosted by Singapore from November 18 to 21, were officially opened by Mr Lee Yock Suan, Minister in the Prime Minister's Office and Second Minister for Foreign Affairs.

The seminar focuses on capacity building in e-Government, with the overall aim of narrowing the digital divide within Asean. Narrowing the digital divide will help the region move forward together to compete more effectively in the global market place and strengthen the region's economic growth.

In conjunction with this executive seminar, Singapore is also hosting "A Primer on Cyberlaws,' held back to back with the e-Government Executive Seminar, the first in a series of seminars and workshops on e- Asean, organised under the auspices of the IAI, which is aimed at narrowing the development gap within the grouping. Both seminars are attended by senior government officials at Permanent Secretary and Deputy Minister levels and will provide valuable input to relevant Asean bodies which are driving the e- Asean process forward.

Quelle: Brunei Direct

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