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Friday, 5.07.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
Improved performance and features a boon for businesses, says minister

The web site of the Companies Registration Office (CRO) has been extensively redesigned, adding new features and improving performance.

The site,, has had more than 100,000 unique visitors per month and 322,000 documents retrieved and purchased through it in 2009. Around 50% of all company documents are now filed online through the website, says the CRO, making filing faster and saved companies an estimated €3.6 million in 2009.

"The CRO's new website is part of an ever-increasing drive towards better e-government service provision," said the minister Kelleher. "With an increasing number of people using the site to source information and to initiate electronic submissions to the CRO, I am very pleased to see the website has been redesigned around customers' changing needs".

The upgraded website has increased accessibility and usability, as well as an improved appearance. Users can now navigate in Irish or English on approximately 180 pages of the website, the search facility has been upgraded and Information Leaflets are available bilingually for download from the site.

In its first four weeks in operation, said the CRO, the new site has already had over 100,000 unique visitors with the Company Search function accounting for one third of all hits to the site.

"With over 50% of all documents now submitted to the CRO filed electronically, the user-friendly nature of this new website should further increase this figure, saving time and money for both companies and the CRO", said the minister.


Quelle/Source: TechCentral, 12.04.2010

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