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Thursday, 19.09.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
The Revenue Commissions on-line service (ROS) recieved an award today for being one of Europe's most innovative public services.

The ROS, which was launched in September 2001, allows taxpayers to file tax returns and access their account information over the internet.

European Commissioner Viviane Reding presented the award at a conference on European eGovernment in Manchester.

The ROS has recently came in for criticism after a breakdown in the system meant many taxpayers were unable to process their tax returns in time for this years deadline.

The system took the award in the 'impact' category, which measured the benefit of the eGovernment service to citizens, businesses and government.

On news of receiving the award, Minister for State Tom Kitt T.D., said:

"I am delighted that the success of the Revenue on-line service has been recognised at an international level with today's award. ROS is a shining example of how Ireland is succeeding in using information technologies to deliver effective and efficient front-line services to all users."

Quelle: Business World, 24.11.2005

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