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Monday, 1.07.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001

The Digital Quality of Life (DQL) index is published annually based on research conducted by the privacy protection company Surfshark.

Researchers measure internet quality, affordability, e-security, online government services, and e-infrastructure.

This year’s edition of the DQL research concluded that 7 out of 10 countries with the highest digital quality of life are in Europe, with Denmark taking the global lead among 85 countries.

Read more: Digital Quality of Life Index – Ireland ranks top 20

Becoming a Smart City will greatly enhance Galway's ability to navigate the post Covid-19 world

Covid-19 is changing the way we behave in Galway city. We all know now how complicated life is being in confinement, trying to keep a good balance between personal life and professional activities while working from home and/or also living with high levels of stress when there is a health or safety risk in our surroundings.

Read more: IE: Connaught: Galway as a Smart City in the 'New Normal'

The Taoiseach has said that the “user experience” for people using government websites will “improve over time”, despite many links that appear in search engines not leading to the correct page.

The issue has been one faced by people seeking to be directed to a specific government department webpage, only to be redirected instead to the home page of that site after clicking through on a search engine such as Google.

Read more: IE: Some links to government websites aren't directing to the right places. Here's why

Dublin is trialling mini urban distribution centres and powered walkers and quad cycles to enable city centre deliveries that don’t contribute to local emissions or congestion.

The pilot is funded by Dublin City Council, Enterprise Ireland and Belfast City Council and the system was developed as part of a Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) challenge, which sought new approaches to optimising deliveries.

Read more: IE: Dublin pilots van-free city centre deliveries with UPS

State moves up one place to 19th out of 63 economies in new IMD rankings

The Republic has moved up one place to 19th in a global ranking for adopting digital technologies.

The US tops the list followed by Singapore, Sweden, Denmark and Switzerland, with the top five places unchanged from last year.

Read more: Ireland ranks highly for adoption of digital technologies

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