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Wednesday, 3.07.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
Taipei Municipal Ren-ai Junior High School has implemented an e-health system that makes it easy for students to register for an appointment, reduces work for the nursing staff and keeps track of frequently occurring illnesses and injuries.

Yang Chang-hsun, secretary of the school’s development center, said there are over 2,800 people involved with the institution. On average, about 100 of them go for an appointment at the Health Center during any given week. When a holiday has displaced the clinic hours, demand can rise, as was the case with 164 students being seen Oct. 26.

The causes for their visits include colds, stomach upsets and other minor complaints and injuries. In the past, students would first have to fill out a form when they arrived at the Health Center, and the staff would then file away the paper records after the patient was seen. This was very time consuming and labor intensive.

With the school's new e-Health system, Yang said, students need only use a computer touchscreen to make an appointment. Their data is entered directly into their file, and linked to their student ID, so that all medical records are made available to parents.

If there is a sudden spike in the number of students being seen on any given day, the system can compile real-time statistics and do searches of the clinic's records. Information on family histories and drug allergies can be flagged to provide timely warnings as well. The system provides staff with a much clearer picture of a student's health.

The system also provides an analytical model for injury data. Students are asked to enter the campus location where the injury occurred, and other relevant information to help the school figure out where accidents or injuries are most likely to occur on campus. This helps keep the campus safer and improves the educational experience.

A group of eleven British professors visited Ren-ai Oct. 26 to see the new system in action, and all were impressed with the way the e-Health system had been brought on board. They praised the city government's information training effort for having come this far. One teacher said laughingly, "With this kind of system, if a student tried to fake an illness more than once, there would be no way he could get away with it!"

The city's Department of Education said it will try to get the system extended to all schools, and together with digitized student IDs, the improved management of student health will provide more information to parents.


Quelle/Source: Taiwan Today, 28.10.2010

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