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eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
New IT agency means job cuts, Clement says, Aug. 5.

When Tony Clement and Rona Ambrose announced the establishment of Shared Services Canada, they brought into formal existence the culmination of 15 years of hard work by thousands of officials across the Government of Canada.

These unsung heroes have toiled without much recognition to figure out what it will take to modernize the "guts" or machinery, of government for the 21st century.

When Jim Flaherty announced the Administrative Services Review in Budget 2009, few thought that this would lead to the kind of re-alignment necessary to transform the way business is conducted. However, that work brought together and assessed all the possibilities of what could be implemented in light of today's technology. This review also added new possibilities to the list.

The review also highlighted what many have known for a long while: The so-called "silos" of government work against this type of re-alignment and are far more expensive to administer. Putting someone in charge with the right governance model is key to making the dramatic progress that is required.

On Wednesday, the government took the next logical step in that direction by creating Shared Services Canada. The work the new agency undertakes will be complicated and difficult. No doubt there will be some false starts, but much thinking, planning and scoping has already gone into the effort. Canadians will benefit from its much-needed collaborative execution.

The hard work now begins under a new administrative regime. The creation of this agency brings a new openness and transparency to the effort. As a result Canadians will be able to monitor its progress and hold it accountable. Our public servants should be able to do their evolving jobs with the best possible tools in a supportive and modern workplace. Serving Canadians to the best of their abilities requires it. Bravo!


Autor(en)/Author(s): Maryantonett Flumian

Quelle/Source: Ottawa Citizen, 06.08.2011

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