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Wednesday, 3.07.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
Prime Minister Ahmed Nazif said Egypt is currently preparing for the use of information technology for restructuring subsidy, controlling markets and providing services for citizens.

Inaugurating the proceedings of the preparatory Arab conference for information technology summit, Nazif said Egypt is currently accelerating pace for transferring to the e-government through restructuring the state machinery and facilitating electronic dealings in order to develop economic performance. Nazif said there are many national initiatives which aim at developing knowledge community and establishing a developed industry as a basis for setting up a regional Arab and African industry contributing to attracting world investments and providing new working opportunities for youth.

He indicated that the development of human resources would remain a pressing demand in an environment which is highly changing. In this environment, Nazif said, enough support would be devoted for training, education, invention and science.

The Prime Minister expressed Egypt's willingness to offer all possible support for Tunisia in order to render successful the second phase of the world summit of information technology, due in Tunisia on November 16-18.

Meantime, Tarek Kamel, the Minister of Telecommunications and Information Technology, said the aim of the conference is to coordinate Arab and African stances in preparation for the World Summit of Information Technology.

He said Arab delegations world meet for drafting an Arab work plan that would be endorsed by the Arab ministers of telecommunications.

Arab League Secretary General, Amr Moussa, said, in a statement read out on his behalf by Abdel Rahman Al-Sahibany the assistant secretary general of the Arab League, that Arab countries must interact with the information community in order to bridge the gap with the states of the north.

Dr. Montasser Wayly, the Tunisia minister of telecommunications technology, said Tunisia was preparing for the conference trough consulting different parties in order to bridge the digital divide in the region and to internet websites in a fair manner among peoples.

Quelle: ArabicNews, 09.05.2005

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