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Wednesday, 3.07.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
Egypt's Ministry of Communications and Information Technology (MCIT) is taking the lead at integrating egovernment into the country's government service delivery. Welcome to the world of e-government. A new Egypt is rising on the banks of the Nile – from Parliament down to the level of local government offices, the Egyptian government realizes that the Internet is an effective way of conducting public affairs. "Nations are no longer identified by roads and reservoirs, but by their position in the global information society,” says Dr. Ahmad Nazif, Egypt’s Minister of communication and Information Technology.

MCIT was formed in October 1999 with explicit goals of supporting the information society in Egypt and is supported by USAID ICT project. The project's website makes use of Plone, an open source content management system. Ray Matthews informs us that the Governor of Texas has built his website using Plone's content management solution combined with the Zope opensource application server.

Richard Heeks writes about how egov is being used to reform government in Africa.


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