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eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
The skills and experience of technicians in India and Brazil will help SA's government make information and services accessible to its citizens .

Tapping into the technologies and experience of other emerging nations would boost an e-government initiative to put all its information and procedures online, Public Services Minister Geraldine Fraser-Moleketi said yesterday. The collaboration would also help the State Information Technology Agency (Sita) become a world-class operation within five years, she said.

Sita was formed to supply and support the government's information technology systems, and to adjudicate tenders for goods or services it cannot supply itself.

The e-government initiative is one of its major tasks, and the first stage has seen an overhaul of the government website with more information continually put online.

"We want the citizens of this country to have a seamless access to government and its services using the technology available to them, be it computers or phones," Fraser-Moleketi said.

A month ago the minister, Sita chairman Zodwa Manase, CEO Mavuso Msimang and some technicians went to India, and will soon go to Brazil for research.

"We are collaborating with India and Brazil on e-government to take access to our services forward," she said. Sita would draw on the experience within those countries to drive its initiatives and to bring in skills it may not have. It could also identify useful software and adapt it for SA.

Sita issued its annual results yesterday, showing revenue up 17% to R2,4bn and a profit of R35m, down 57% from R82m.

The dip in profit was largely due to increased spending on training and research and development, which topped R61m for the year.

Quelle: AllAfrica, 01.10.2004

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