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Wednesday, 12.03.2025
Transforming Government since 2001

Inkhosi Mlambo II indicated how the trust has already begun with the plans to build a smart city on the N4 corridor towards Komatipoort.

The Bambanani Mlambo Trust convened at Shonga Events on November 27 to finalise the alterations they wish to make to their title deed.

The trust unanimously voted to have their title deed amended from agricultural to commercial purposes, in line with their upcoming development plans. This was done in the presence of the chief director for land restitution support of the Mpumalanga Office of Land Reform and Rural Development, Sam Nkosi.

“The trust has approached us and indicated that they have an intention to use the land for commercial purposes. We, therefore, began the processes to have the clause lifted from their title deed and the voting that happened here was part of that process. We will then write to the minister of land affairs and recommend that the clause be lifted. Only after the conclusion of the process will they be able to use the land for commercial development,” said Nkosi.

Inkhosi Mlambo II indicated how the trust has already begun with the plans to build a smart city on the N4 corridor towards Komatipoort.

“The planning stage is already in motion. We will be building a smart city around Komatipoort right after this clause has been lifted. We have so many development plans for our land – we can’t just be limited to agricultural purposes. This development comes with a number of job opportunities and growth for our people,” he said.

He added that the beneficiaries have agreed in one voice to the trust’s proposed plans.

“I am happy that representatives from the department saw for themselves that we are all in agreement in this decision. The smart city will have so many technological features, such as traffic lights that will be controlled by the volume of traffic in the area. But what is most important is the development of the beneficiaries and jobs that would be created from all the plans. We will also add residential areas, hospitals and other things. The plan is big and we are looking forward to have the title deed clause removed so we can start moving,” he said.


Autor(en)/Author(s): Sesane Mabuza

Quelle/Source: Mpumalanga News, 17.12.2024

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