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Wednesday, 12.03.2025
Transforming Government since 2001
Affordable, reliable and efficient internet must be available to all South Africans, the DA said

The Democratic Alliance (2014) released its 2014 election manifesto today, which states that the party plans to establish a new regulatory framework for the ICT sector to ensure that broadband capacity improves, that prices fall and that the internet becomes accessible to all.

The DA said that new information and communication technologies continue to break down traditional boundaries between people, businesses and nations by making it easier to engage, to exchange information, to transact and to deliver services.

“Information and communication technology (ICT) is therefore vital to the development and wellbeing of all who live, work and play in South Africa,” the DA’s manifesto states.

“It enables us to contribute to, share in and benefit from the opportunities of a networked world. It connects people to education, jobs, opportunities and each other.”

“It sparks innovation, enables citizens and government to interact effectively, and facilitates the provision of basic services such as education, health and policing. It supports the creative and cultural activities that define us.”

The DA said that affordable, reliable and efficient internet must be available to all South Africans. “Every person in South Africa should have access to the internet,” the DA said.

The DA said that where they govern, they will work to ensure that information and communication infrastructure, the devices that access it and the services conveyed on it are affordable, reliable, efficient and readily available.

“This will be achieved both by supporting the private sector to expand access to ICT and using government resources to provide ICT infrastructure and services in under-serviced areas.”


Quelle/Source: MyBroadband, 23.02.2014

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