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eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
The Gauteng Department of Finance (GDF) has intensified its efforts towards ensuring that Gauteng becomes a smart and connected City Region, in order to bridge the digital divide. The GDF was allocated a budget of R985 million for the 2013/14 financial year.

The bulk of these resources will be appropriated towards realising the GPG's ICT Strategic Outcomes, in order to drive ICT transformation initiatives in the province.

To date significant milestone have been achieved towards the provision of reliable Information Communications Technology (ICT). In this regard, over 99.86% uptime availability of the GPG's Wide Area Networks (WAN) has been achieved.

Other achievements in this area include:

  • A new agreement to provide data repository, security and recovery with an offsite data centre facility

  • Stabilising our Local Area Network (LAN) and Wide Area Networks (WAN).

  • Investing in a world class Security Operations Centre (SOC), and in a fully operational Network Operations Centre (NOC), both of which proactively monitor our operating systems.

"We currently support 1 538 computer laboratories in Gauteng Public Schools under the Gauteng Online (GoL) Schools Project. However, this flagship project is currently under strategic review to incorporate comprehensive components of e-Education, which were excluded from the original scope.

As a result, we anticipate that the GoL will soon be underpinned by the Gauteng Broadband Network when this has stabilised. Similarly, we intend to align the GoL programme to e-Education ingenuities that are currently being implemented by National Departments MEC Mandla Nkomfe said."

The Gauteng Broadband network infrastructure will be implemented in a phased approach, where connecting Government buildings will receive first onboarding priority. This will be followed by transferring all public schools from the current leased network to the GBN, then e-Services to other departments, and finally, the 20 Priority Townships.

Other key milestones the department achieved include successfully decentralised procurement functions to GPG departments. This migration was in accordance with the Premier's pronouncement to realign government service delivery and improve efficiency.

In addition, there are visible improvements in the 30-day payments processed by GPG Departments, which have improved from a paltry 20% at the beginning of this financial year, to 55% year to date.


Quelle/Source: AllAfrica, 30.05.2013

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