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Monday, 8.07.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
The Ministry of Higher Education recently launched an electronic portal to provide scholarship students with the facility for online booking of air tickets as part of the ministry’s endeavours to offer quality services to Omani students studying in overseas universities. The step also comes in line with the measures taken by state departments to activate the e-government project.

Ahmed bin Mohammed al Azri, Director, Scholarship Department, said the students have to visit the ministry’s website and then log in to the ‘Student Services’ menu where a number of options appear including update of information, air ticket request etc. Then they are required to click on the Students’ Air Ticket button, fill in a form and click ‘Send’ on the bottom of the screen.

Students have to enter their latest study results and make sure that their information are correct in order to obtain the air ticket. The Scholarships Department will then process and review the applications and electronically transfer the ones that meet the conditions to the Financial Affairs Department which will in turn transfer them either to the concerned body at the Financial Affairs Department or the travel agencies depending on whether the application is for compensation or ticket request.

These procedures can take up to three working days and the students do not need to visit the ministry’s premises as they will be notified via an SMS as soon as the procedures are completed following which they can receive the ticket or collect compensation.


Quelle/Source: Oman Daily Observer, 05.08.2014

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