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eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
The next wave of e-government will go beyond putting information online and offer e-options to the delivery of government services in e-corporations and e-citizens in a customer-oriented environment, Financial Secretary Henry Tang says.

Speaking at the Intellectual Property Department Open Day First Generation of E-filers presentation ceremony, Mr Tang said the department has upgraded its customer-oriented e-services with the launch of an electronic filing system for trademark, patents and designs. The system, aiming to serve customers with speed, convenience and accuracy, enables customers to interface with the department around the clock.

Since its launch in December 2003, the migration rate reached 12% at end 2004. It is expected the rate will further rise to 30% in 2005-2006.

Success story

Mr Tang said the system's first generation is a success story of partnership between the Government, private sector service providers and customers from the legal services industry.

At today's ceremony, 20 e-filers were awarded the First Generation of e-filers plaques in recognition of their active support and participation over the past three years in the department's electronic services.

About 160 guests, including major stakeholders in the intellectual property industry, academics, Mainland officials, consul generals and other representatives from the public sector, also attended.

Quelle: Business & Finance News, 28.02.2005

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