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eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001

China’s newest 5G operator is set to join three other state carriers. Although a new entrant in the service, the telecom has distinct advantages over the other service providers. Chief of which is its direct access to an extensive broadcast content library.

The operator has been granted a 5G license by the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, one of China’s major internet and telecom regulators. Along with the license, it was assigned a radio bandwidth of 700 MHz N28.

Although it is not the only state-backed 5G operator, as all of the four operators are state-owned, the new company is funded and overseen by the National Radio and Television Administration (NRTA). The agency is China’s official media regulation agency which provides basic public broadcast services across the country, including remote rural areas. That means this new network can have access to an extensive content library, a large user base, and tap into the agency’s existing infrastructure.

In its official announcement, China’s new 5G operator details it will issue cellphone numbers that begin with 192. The company is wasting no time in ensuring its planned operation are on schedule and has already tested its mobile network services last year with a small number of its users employing these cellphone numbers.

5G networks are the latest trend in mobile technology – and for a reason. Compared to 4G connectivity, 5G can reach a broadband speed of 10 gigabits per second. That’s up to 100 times faster than the older network. In short, 5G networks can deliver the needed performance required for an increasingly interconnected society. A classic example of how fast the 5G network is the case of downloading a high-definition film. On average, this would take 4G networks 50 minutes but would only require 5G networks only 9.

The strategy of China to own all its 5G operators instead of having it run by strictly private companies is understandable. With increased opportunities comes increased risks. The deployment of 5G must come hand in hand with ample security measures to enable trust.

China as the most populous nation on the planet is also home to the largest 5G network. As reported earlier, the Asian country has reached 757 million 5G users. That’s over 50% of its total population. In accordance, China’s 5G base stations have also expanded to over 1.3 million 5G base stations, data from the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology (MIIT) revealed.

The arrival of a new state-backed 5G operator is another advantage for the country. Per observations by a veteran telecommunications industry analyst, “There is a rising demand among users to adopt 5G as most newly launched smartphones in 2021 and 2022 were 5G devices.”

Certainly, better user experiences are in the offing for the over 1.4-billion strong Asian nation. The government is making sure that the best mobile networks are in place and that should create a more viable environment for business and for every Chinese citizen. Beijing is keeping a close watch on technology these days, but it’s all for the best. As reported on OpenGov Asia, the Beijing Winter Olympics showcased Chinese technology at its finest, for all the world to see.


Autor(en)/Author(s): Jerome Siacor

Quelle/Source: Open Gov Asia, 01.03.2022

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