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Wednesday, 18.09.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
Hong Kong Government has identified five key initiatives in its development as a Smart City, said Financial Secretary the Hon John Tsang last Wednesday during the 2014-15 Budget Speech.

Under the theme of ‘Smarter Hong Kong, Smarter Living’, the Government has proposed the following projects:

  1. Promote city-wide wifi

    In order for citizens and visitors to have easy access to online services, the Government plans to double the number of wifi hotspots to 20,000 with complete or time-limited free public access by the end of 2014 through public-private partnership. Citizens will be involved in the naming of this common wifi.

  2. More machine-readable open government data

    Currently, the Government has released several real-time public sector data sets for free, including road traffic information, geo-referenced public facility data, property market statistics, population census statistics and more. The Government plans to make all released data machine-readable in digital formats from 2015 onwards to encourage the private sector to capitalise on them.

  3. Paperless government

    In line with its goal to be a liveable city with low environmental impact, the Government will continue to digitise public administration and actively implement paperless solutions to enhance efficiency and facilitate information sharing.

  4. Big Data Analytics

    Hong Kong has a well-established IT infrastructure and mobile phone penetration rate of 237 per cent. With the creation and availability of large volumes of data, the Government plans to leverage the Internet of Things, sensors and big data analytics to improve city management.

  5. Digital Identity for Citizens

    Digital citizen identification creates a common, shared and safe platform that will provide many opportunities for new services, such as electronic health records and e-cheques.


      Autor(en)/Author(s): Kelly Ng

      Quelle/Source: futureGov, 05.03.2014

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