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eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
Digital certificates ensure the confidentiality of electronic transactions and enable users to digitally sign in for electronic services. The Hong Kong Government began issuing digital certificates in 2000 and has enabled over 150 million electronic transactions with these certificates over the last three years, shared Gregory So, Secretary for Commerce and Economic Development, Hong Kong.

“At present, 41 types of e-government services require the use of digital certificates for digital signature or identity authentication,” he said last week. They ensure the authenticity and integrity of the information transmitted during the transaction.

“Although digital certificates are not widely adopted internationally yet, the underlying technology base is still considered as an effective measure to augment high security electronic transactions. In view of this, the Office of the Government Chief Information Officer actively promotes the use of digital certificates in e-services that require authentication,” So added.

Recently, the Hong Kong Police Force has launched the Smart Warrant Card System that uses digital certificates. The Immigration Department’s address record update and Student Financial Assistance Agency’s e-submission service both use digital certificates for security and authentication.

The 2014 Digital 21 Strategy proposes providing free digital certificates to all Hong Kong residents, driving the wider use of the certificates in online services requiring authentication and so, allowing the public to use digital public services in a secure manner.


Autor(en)/Author(s): Medha Basu

Quelle/Source: futureGov, 07.03.2014

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