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Wednesday, 18.09.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
Hong Kong’s Census and Statistics Department (C&SD) has been using analytics technology to transform huge volumes of disparate raw data into relevant, reliable and timely statistics for better decision-making across government.

Business analytics solution, provided by SAS, has been used in three key areas: population censuses, general household survey and labour earning surveys.

“Overall, we find the powerful SAS solutions ideal for preparing a wide range of social and economic statistics, allowing us to efficiently provide high-quality statistics as key references for planning Hong Kong’s future development,” said Deputy Commissioner Dominic Leung.

Population censuses

According to Senior Statistician John Lam who oversees demographic statistics and data collected from population censuses, the Department receives many requests for data from other government departments and the public.

In order to meet these data requests within a short span of time and provide accurate statistics, the Department depends on SAS analytics software.

The technology also helps them process millions of administrative records from the Immigration Department on births, deaths and passenger movements.

General Household Survey

The Social Statistics Division surveys approximately 8000 households monthly for the General Household Survey. The data collected is used to tabulate statistics on the population’s demographic and socio-economic profile. With the help of the analytics tool, statisticians can accurately compile the country’s unemployment rate within a short time frame.

Labour earning surveys

Senior Statistician in charge of wages and labour costs statistics Agnes Lo said that the software allows her team to conduct cross-tabulations and temporal comparisons easily. Labour earning statistics are important for the government to track movements in salary distribution and differentials among workers over time.

Analytics is also used to gain insights on Hong Kong’s external trade. Every month, the Economic Statistics Division manages 3 million data records from trade declarations. The data is analysed to guide local economic policy.

“Following our positive experiences in working with SAS, we are extending the application of SAS to statistics compilation systems in other surveys. With SAS’ highly portable solutions, we are confident that the future changeover will be beneficial to our work,” Leung concluded.


Autor(en)/Author(s): Kelly Ng

Quelle/Source: futureGov, 11.02.2014

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