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Monday, 8.07.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
Experts from China and the European Union (EU) converged Thursday in Beijing for the first annual conference of the EU-China Information Society Project which aims to promote Chinese economic and social reform through development of an information society.

The conference focused on topics as development strategy and challenges of the information society in China and the EU.

The meeting served as a platform for experts to carry out exchanges and dialogue, said Qu Weizhi, Executive Vice Minister of the State Council Information Society Office.

"Through the meeting, we will draw experience from the EU so as to promote development of the information society in China," Qu said.

The EU-China Information Society Project, launched in January, receives funding of 18.75 million U.S. dollars from the EU and 8.75 million dollars from China.

Five cities have been chosen to trial "e-government" projects, including Chengdu, in Sichuan Province, Baotou, in Inner Mongolia and Yantai, in Shandong Province.

The project will include training for government officials.

"Since the launch of the project, we have invited 26 experts from the EU to provide more than 40 training programs, especially on relevant regulations and policies," Qu said.

The conference will be held on alternate years in Beijing and Brussels.

Quelle/Source: People's Daily Online, 21.09.2006

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