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Monday, 8.07.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
As disclosed by relevant personnel in charge from the Beijing Municipal Informationization Office (BMIO) to the reporter, Beijing's e-government construction will be fully accelerated since 2006.

From the stage of getting the government's information onto the Web to the stage of application of e-government operations:

After years of construction, Beijing's e-government construction has entered into a new stage of development, generally transferring from the stage of getting the government's information onto the Web to the stage of driving the application of e-government operations.

In fact, there has preliminarily set up administrative institutions of e-government at the municipal and district levels. The urban e-government system has been extensively applied in such aspects as municipal management, traffics, and public security, etc.

As shown by statistics from the BMIO, the 65 existing departments at the municipal level in Beijing have built up 301 operational application systems at present. 43 percent of the governmental operations have obtained supports from the informationization, and 33 percent of all those operational application systems have been provided with a function to offer supports for decision-making. Through the site group of Capital Window as a portal for making government affairs public online, the catalog of government affairs made public, normalized documents, administrative licenses, form downloading, affair handling brochures geared to the needs of the public and those in the society are fully (100-percent) made public. Altogether over 800 administrative licenses and proceedings to be approved after examination of various committees, offices and administrations at the municipal level are now handled with different degrees of informationization. The monthly average count of clicks on the Chinese version of the Capital Window main site has approached 70 million, and a monthly average count of clicks on the international portal over 1.5 million, leading nationwide.

Conducing to the innovation of management patterns and management measures:

According to the overall planning, the e-government will become a fundamental means for the government to fulfill its functions and an effective instrument in the innovation in terms of the government's management patterns and management measures in Beijing by the end of the Eleventh Five-Year period, which will fully play a role in promoting the transformation of the government's functions, improving the level of public services, optimizing urban administration, and promoting the economic and social development while effectively supporting the construction of a law-ruled government so as to achieve the leading level of modern international cities as a whole.

As disclosed by the BMIO, in order to expedite the realization of such an objective, the Office will focus on conducting e-government in-depth, raising the overall efficiency, and building up a uniform platform for e-government and a system for the development and utilization of governmental information resources so as to build up a resource sharing e-government system which can fulfill the cooperation between various departments, conduct communication with ease, and extend services to the grassroots, promote making public governmental information and sharing resources, accelerate the standardization of proceedings for the governmental institutions and public servants and the standardization of services, raise the administrative efficiency, cut down administrative costs, and fully promote the improvement of the government's administrative capability and service levels.

Breaking through the bottleneck for resource sharing:

As introduced by relevant personnel in charge from the BMIO, as to the e-government project of Beijing, efforts shall be made to drive the sharing of information resources, focusing on solving such problems as difficulties in sharing resources, imbalanced development, incomplete legal environment, failure in implementing the mechanism for planning as a whole, and asynchronous relation between security and applications.

It cannot be denied that at present, the fact that it is difficult to get the government's information resources shared has seriously held back the large-scale extension of applications. To solve such a puzzle, from this year on, efforts will be made in Beijing to fulfill the task of getting key information resources shared: to set up exchange platforms at the municipal and district levels for sharing information by the end of this year; to preliminarily build up fundamental databases concerning population, legal persons, space, and the macro economy; to complete the catalog of making public the responsibility for collect data across the municipality, the catalog of database management as well as the shared catalog of fundamental information resources and applied information resources so as to realize the exchange, sharing and integration of information resources between various sectors and support operational cooperation between various sectors; to put forth standards and norms for applications on exchange platforms shared at the municipal and district levels and rules for administration over exchange and sharing, and rules for the development and utilization of information resources for public purposes.

On such a foundation, the Municipal Government requires to make use of the opportunity of driving the sharing of information resources to lay down a solid data foundation for core operations, expand sharing applications, fully support administration and public services. Relevant personnel in charge from the BMIO believed that under the condition of informationization, various sectors must cooperate, coordinate and support the informationization of other departments while doing well in the informationization of their own, thus actively supporting the construction of key projects for the whole municipality's e-government before the Olympic Games and the sharing of information resources so as to fully raise the e-government level.

Moreover, since 2006, Beijing will expedite the implementation of key projects for e-government and boost informationization supports in such key fields as urban administration, leaders' decision making, the construction of a social credit system, emergency command, management of migrant population, public health, public security, traffics, dietary sanitation, and environmental protection, etc. with the overall planning enhanced.

According to the overall planning of Beijing, the sharing of governmental information resources will be fully realized in Beijing before 2008. Informationization supports for core operations of governments at various levels will be fundamentally realized so as make it possible for Beijing's e-government to sufficiently satisfy all demands concerning urban administration and public services while providing services for the 2008 Beijing Olympiad.

Autor(en)/Author(s): Hu Hongjun

Quelle/Source: China Economic Net, 13.07.2006

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