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Monday, 8.07.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
The European Union (EU) and China have officially launched in Beijing a four-year, 15.7 mln euro information society project focused on e-government.

A joint statement issued by the two partners said the project is intended to help the Chinese government improve the legal and regulatory environment in areas such as telecommunications law, copyright, information security and access to government information.

It will also support e-government demonstration projects in emergency health response and smart cards for social security applications.

In addition, the initiative will provide e-government training in 10 selected provinces and municipalities including Beijing, Shanghai, and Guangdong.

'This project, focusing in particular on e-government but reaching out to other areas of the information society, constitute an important support for the information society dialogue between China and the EU,' said Vivian Reding, the EU Commissioner for Information Society and Media.

The EU and China have committed 15 mln eur and seven mln yuan respectively to the project, which began in July 2005 and will run through June 2009.

Autor: jb/sr

Quelle: Forbes, 12.01.2006

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