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eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
The Chinese central government website, was officially launched on January 1st after three months of trial operation.

Aimed at consolidating government information from different levels in one place and enhancing interaction between the government and the public, the website has been widely welcomed. CSM has the report.

The Chinese central government website is organized by the State Council, China's cabinet, and conducted by Xinhua net, China's state-owned news agency. The site publishes information about government affairs at the provincial levels across the country, as well as providing online services for net users.

Since it went into operation. it has attracted a lot of favorable reaction from the public. Luo Yi is from the technical section of the government website.

"Take the numbers for January 4th as the example, on that day the number of clicks on the website was more than 120 million, with about 740 thousand visitors browsing through the pages."

The website has four sections. The section on government affairs provides information on government work, including important policies, regulations and documents. The service section provides online services for citizens, enterprises and foreigners. The communication section is a channel for interaction between the government and the public. The applied functions section provides visitors with a search engine.

An official in charge of the Chinese government website, Zhou Xisheng is pleased with the website's popularity. He says the website is a sign that the government is providing better services for general public.

"The website not only brings together different government information, but also is a platform for showcasing how governments and officials deal with administrative affairs. It's an innovation in government management, and an important and substantial step towards a service-based government."

Since the first government website was launched in 1997, Chinese government departments have developed more than 10 thousand websites. This is the first time that the Chinese government has integrated all those sites in one place, with more transparent information able to be accessed by any net user.

Professor Wang Yukai is from China's National School of Administration. He is also working as an expert under the State Council advocating the use of the internet in government affairs.

He sees the website as indicating the Chinese government's commitment to increased involvement from the general public.

"In the past information about the government was not that accessible, which made interaction between government officials and the public pretty hard. With this interactive platform, Chinese citizens can be better informed, and are more able to express their concerns."

Through the Chinese government website, people can watch some important meetings of the State Council live, and trace the process of dealing with particular government affairs. According to a survey of 130 thousand users of the website, the satisfaction rate is running at 90 per cent.

Autor: CSM

Quelle: CRI news, 08.01.2006

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