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Sunday, 29.09.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
The Ministry of Health has changed its mind about how it will develop a new telehealth phone line, delaying its rollout.

An RFP for a national integrated telehealth phone number to replace multiple service phone lines was due to be released last month (New Zealand Doctor, 12 March), but a letter from the Ministry of Health released last week says there has been a change of plan.

Now, potential providers will have to register their interest and, if picked, they will work with the ministry to develop a draft version of the service - a process the ministry is calling "competitive dialogue".

"The registration of interest will be evaluated with shortlisted providers invited to participate in structured one-on-one dialogue sessions to jointly develop the service prior to the release of a closed request for proposal to the shortlisted providers," the letter says.

"We feel that this revised approach provides everyone with more flexibility in dealing with such a complex purchase and allows us to jointly develop the service with potential providers."

The change came after ministry staff reflected on the responses to a request for information last October (, 'News', 22 October 2013). The letter says the quality and content of those submissions compelled the ministry to take the new course of action.

The registration of interest is expected to be released later this month.


Autor(en)/Author(s): Jeremy Olds

Quelle/Source: New Zealand Doctor Online, 07.04.2014

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