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Sunday, 29.09.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
In an attempt to improve uptake, West Coast DHB is making patient participation in its shared electronic summary record system easier.

From 17 November the summary records of all patients who have not opted out of electronic health record sharing will be available to help authorised health professionals with a person's care, a media release from West Coast DHB says.

Opt on, off, or do nothing

When the Share for Care system was launched at the DHB a year ago, patients were told they had to actively opt in to have a summary of their medical record available to be viewed across the health system (New Zealand Doctor, 30 November 2011).

Patients also had to actively opt out if they wanted their information to be seen by no one but their GP.

Those who did nothing would have their information available for shared view by authorised health professionals only in an emergency.

Now West Coast DHB patients will automatically be in the Share for Care system unless they opt out, the media release says.

Simplifying the process

Opting out has also been made easier. Patients no longer have to fill out a form, they simply ring a toll free number 0508 837 872 (0508 TESTSAFE).

Share for Care is part of Medtech's ManageMyHealth web portal.

It allows approved health workers access to a summary of a person's health information when caring for them (New Zealand Doctor, 24 October).


Autor(en)/Author(s): Jen de Montalk

Quelle/Source: New Zealand Doctor, 15.11.2012

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