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Sunday, 29.09.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
Fears over governance have held councils back from closer co-operation, says Marlborough District Council chief executive Andrew Besley.

At its community and financial planning committee meeting yesterday, the council took the first step towards co-operation and shared services by approving a memorandum of understanding (MOU) between Marlborough, Nelson and Tasman councils.

Mr Besley said the council had been looking at opportunities with the Nelson and Tasman councils for a while now. "Over the years, we have had various shared services of various types with them - insurance being the most important in recent times."

Now, the Nelson and Tasman councils thought it valuable to have a formal document.

"It's part of making sure we're all on the same page."

The first project would be Top of the South roading, Mr Besley said, and the first meeting was held last week.

"Roading is the single biggest part of our budget."

He said the original collaboration would be between the NZ Transport Agency, Marlborough, Nelson and Tasman councils.

"We will look wider as some other councils might be part of a natural mix, such as Hurunui and Buller."

Councillor Geoff Evans said he was a little concerned about the shared services moves, particularly about governance and priorities with spending.

"We have roundabout projects that may not have the same priorities as ones in the centre of Nelson. Marlborough has never competed very well with Nelson. I am concerned that it might go the wrong way for us."

Mr Besley said there would be no change in governance as a result of the shared services initiative.

He said the Marlborough Roads model (where state highways and council-owned roads are maintained by a single agency) was a great model, but it hadn't progressed anywhere else, which amazed him. "I think it is because of some fears that are totally unfounded around governance. If you control the money, you control where it goes."


Autor(en)/Author(s): Cathiw Bell

Quelle/Source: The Marlborough Express, 25.07.2012

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