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Wednesday, 3.07.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001

The Israeli government appears to be keen to encourage operators to make plans for the next 5G spectrum auction with a call for smart city-focused rollout.

With the country about to launch its second 5G tender Communications Ministry Director-general Liran Avisar Ben Horin has been promoting such 5G-led smart city applications as smart traffic lights (to prevent congestion and accidents), and remote medical care.

Read more: Israel wants smart city planning ahead of 5G spectrum auction

Hundreds of Israeli real estate startups have raised $3.5 billion. Sensors embedded in concrete, walls that monitor temperature, windows showing ads, hands-free cranes? All in a day's work.

Let's take a little trip into the future. The PropTech trend is gaining strength globally and in Israel. PropTech is an umbrella term for innovative technologies in the real estate field: planning and building, construction materials, project management tools, property maintenance, marketing and sales, and more. It includes any technology that serves real estate companies, their suppliers, or the end clients.

Read more: IL: Robots to build smart homes

Without compromising on privacy sacrifice, Israeli startup RoadSense doesn't even need a camera to get actionable insight out of the deals...

Let’s face it, the smart city concept is no longer a pipe dream made for the movies, but an actuality that can be implemented in almost any city. Imagine a scenario where urban malfunctions are dealt with in real-time, the city learns how to optimize itself for the better of its citizens.

Read more: Privacy or smart city? Israeli startup RoadSense says we can have both

Israel has launched a program to develop advanced communications applications in order to expand and improve the country's 5G infrastructure, Israel Innovation Authority (IIA) said Wednesday.

The program includes five pilot projects scheduled to be carried out by five chosen companies.

The first project includes the deployment of private 5G networks at Israel Chemicals' (ICL) Dead Sea Works potash plant and Mekorot national water company to augment coverage by private organizations.

Read more: Israel launches innovation program to improve 5G networks

Surfshark rankings put Israel first for internet affordability, but 59th for internet quality

If you’re going to be working at home, Israel isn’t a bad place to be doing it: Israel ranks eighth among 85 countries around the world in the Digital Quality of Life Index compiled by the virtual private network provider Surfshark.

Israel ranked No. 1 in the world for internet affordability, but the survey also found that Israel was in just 59th place for internet quality. The survey looked at 12 parameters that include such factors as price, quality, speed and stability of the network, level of government digital services and cybersecurity.

Read more: Israel Ranked Eighth in World for Digital Quality of Life

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