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eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
The UAE Cabinet has directed all the federal ministries and autonomous agencies to speed up the implementation of the second phase of the ambitious e-Government project, said Dr Mohammed Khalfan bin Kharbash, Minister of State for Finance and Industry.

The call came during the meeting, which was held yesterday, presided by over by Shaikh Sultan bin Zayed Al Nahyan, UAE Deputy Prime Minister. "The Cabinet has been updated about all the completed work with regard to this vital project. The Cabinet commended the efforts of all parties involved in the previous phase, and highlighted the importance of continuing at the same pace for the next phase.

"The Cabinet gives great importance to this project as it reflects the development and modernity of the UAE, in addition to playing an essential role in supporting the demands of our growing economy," added Dr. Kharbash.

Dr. Kharbash stressed that the strategic importance of this project is not only restricted to its technological dimension, but also transcends this aspect to improve the competence of the UAE human capital, leading to the overall development of the country and enabling it to maintain its competitive edge.

Ahmad Abdulkarim Julfar, General Manager of eCompany, said that the report presented to the Cabinet detailed all the work completed in phase one of the e-Government project.

"Phase one of this project focused on finalising the implementation strategy, prioritising the projects, and analysing budgetary requirements.

"Now, our focus is on second phase of this project, which we have indeed started three months ago. In coordination with our team and the e-Government team from the Ministry of Finance and Industry, we have already conducted several meetings with a number of federal ministries and set up e-Government teams from each concerned ministry," added Julfar.

Julfar mentioned that phase one of the e-Portal project has been completed with all the content about the federal government finalised. The other projects lined up are e-Human Resources Management System (e-HRMS), e-Expat, and e-Project.

The e-Government team has already met with the Civil Service Bureau to start the implementation phase of the e-HRMS. When fully operational, this system will allow the government to better manage human capital as it will manage the macro and micro aspects of employment, from demography to the mobility of the workforce and locating skill shortages.

The e-Government team has also met with the Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs to kick off the e-Expat project. This project will eventually provide a single entry point for all expatriates in the UAE, allowing them to process their visa and residency services, labour permits, health cards, and other services.

The team has met with the Ministry of Public Works and Housing to put the e-Project program in motion. This project is a budgeting and tracking tool for federal government projects. It will enable the federal government to access, monitor and manage infrastructure and building projects through a central system. It will also enable it to accurately report on progress, management and financing.

Autor: Ibrahim Taha

Quelle: Khaleej Times, 29.12.2004

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