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Sunday, 6.10.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
Dubai eGovernment has launched an SMS service that allows mobile phone users to get immediate responses from government.

The new service is a key plank of Dubai eGovernment's mDubai service that aims to deliver messages via mobile phones, PDAs or the internet. "mDubai is a service that leverages the increasing popularity of mobile phones to build communication channels with the people," said Salem Al Shair, Director of eServices, Dubai eGovernment. "SMS is today one of the most effective ways of communication in both business and personal life. Our state-of-the-art technology will ensure that the message is sent to the respective department and the caller gets an instant reply over his mobile."

Dubai Civil Aviation, Dubai Police, Dubai Municipality and Dubai Development Board are the initial government agencies to have joined the service, offering a range of enquiry services. In order to ask for specific information from any of these government departments, customers can send an SMS with a keyword and parameters to one number, 4488.

"The launch of the new pull SMS service underlines Dubai e-Government's commitment to diversify the channels of public interaction and use channels other than the internet," said Al Shair. "The mobile phone has become an inseparable tool for most people, and it is logical to use its popularity to enhance the efficiency levels of e-governance."

Quelle: Public Sector Technology & Management, 05.10.2004

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