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eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
More than half a million SMS (short message service) text messages were delivered by government departments to the public, using Dubai eGovernment's advanced channel mDubai in just three months since its launch. The biggest user of mDubai was Dubai Police, which delivered over 125,000 SMS messages to members of the public. The Department of Health and Medical Services (DOHMS) came second with 45,000 messages, followed by the Dubai Civil Defence (43,000).

Dubai eGovernment launched mDubai in September 2003 to offer a brand-new platform to government departments to deliver information, alerts and other communication to citizens through mobile phones and other mobile devices such as PDAs (personal digital assistants).

"mDubai reflects Dubai eGovernment's commitment to explore innovative channels for interaction between the public and government departments. The milestone achievement of half a million messages sent by 25 participating departments in just three months demonstrates the efficacy of the new service and also reflects the departments' commitment to Dubai eGovernment," said Salem Al Shair, Director eServices, Dubai eGovernment.

"mDubai is a project that leverages the increasing popularity of mobile phones to building communication channels with citizens. SMS is today one of the most effective ways of communication in both business and personal life. The ultimate aim of mDubai is to allow government departments to communicate with their customers through mobile phones, PDAs and the Web, using advanced technology. The response from the departments indicates that we are on the right track as we move towards an advanced stage of e-governance," added Al Shair.

Quelle: Trade Arabia, 15.02.2004

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