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eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
Dubai eGovernment has launched a monthly magazine under the name 'e4all' to keep citizens and the business community in the Arab World updated on the latest eServices available in Dubai.

Marwan Al-Naqi, General Coordinator of e4all magazine The magazine is part of Dubai eGovernment's efforts to extend the e4all concept to different aspects of a citizen's life and promote eLiteracy among the community. The magazine will target a cross-section of users irrespective of IT proficiency, including government employees, public and private sectors. It will also be available at major trade exhibitions and airports.

In its campaign to promote eLiteracy and achieve its objective of delivering 70 per cent of public services through innovative electronic channels by 2005, the Dubai eGovernment's primary task is to increase public awareness of its eServices. By communicating these services to Dubai's citizens and business community in an easy to understand format, the magazine will be an informative link between Dubai eGovernment's advanced IT infrastructure and public awareness, thus ultimately increasing usage of the services and the special trade packages on offer for the private sector.

The magazine will carry interesting features, interviews and studies including in-depth analyses of key Government services and a 'Guest of the Month' feature. Readers will be updated on the latest developments in business, and have the opportunity to participate in IT-based competitions. The magazine will also be instrumental in assessing standards of individual services from government departments thus fostering a healthy spirit of competition among the various government departments.

The inaugural issue of e4all features an interview with HH General Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Crown Prince of Dubai and UAE Defence Minister, focusing on his vision that has helped make this pioneering project a success.

Commenting on the launch of the magazine, Salem Al Shair, Director eServices, Dubai eGovernment and Editor-in-Chief of e4all, said: 'This publication presents a new communication channel of the Dubai eGovernment by conveying messages directly to the community and businesses. This is an important part of our community outreach campaign to enhance people's awareness of eServices.'

'The first issue has received overwhelming response. We have even received feedback from organizations belonging to other countries asking for more issues, as they are keen to keep track of Dubai eGovernment's development and progress,' Al Shair added.

Marwan Al-Naqi, General Coordinator of e4all magazine, said: 'This magazine is the first of its kind representing such an initiative in the Gulf and the Arab world. It will be the true voice of the Dubai eGovernment, one of the leading e-government projects in the Middle East'

'e4all has been created to raise awareness of IT competency among the public and highlight the importance of a digital economy as a catalyst for transforming business and personal life. It will familiarize readers with the core concept of eServices and focus on services they can use electronically. It will also provide insights into forthcoming services and the innovative offerings that make Dubai eGovernment one of the leading performers in the world of e-governance,' Al-Naqi added.

Quelle: AME info, 13.12.2003

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