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Friday, 5.07.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
The Steering Committee for the UAE E-Government project met recently to assess the progress of the E-Government project following the completion of an overall assessment of the readiness of the UAE Federal Government in this respect. The assessment was conducted in two stages comprising first a strategic analysis and secondly a technology analysis.

Speaking about the process, His Excellency Dr Mohammed Khalfan bin Kharbash, UAE Minister of State for Finance and Industry, and Chairman of the Steering Committee said: 'The strategic analysis examined the services and activities of the Federal Government and the existing data as compared to best practices in various countries around the world. Currently the Steering Committee is prioritizing the different E-Government initiatives that will be adopted by government institutions. The technology analysis included a comprehensive analysis of available, as well as needed, technologies in the federal government.'

Dr Kharbash explained that the Steering Committee is now putting together a general framework for the government to work more effectively and efficiently through the application of technology through E-Government.

The Minister commended the high level of co-operation and commitment displayed by all the ministries and agencies involved in the project: 'Since the beginning of this project all ministries and government agencies have worked cooperatively together supported by a team of international and regional specialists in the fields of government transformation and E-Government. There is an unprecedented consensus regarding the need to use E-Government as the means to transform the way the Government works, to maintain and improve the international competitiveness of the country.'

Following on from the latest meeting, the E-Government project will develop a detailed transition plan, road map and blueprint for transformation. The Government will subsequently decide which specific projects will be implemented as pilot projects.

Quelle: AME Info, 25.10.2003

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