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Friday, 5.07.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
A landmark plan involving supplying UAE nationals and expatriates with smart identity cards to replace their driving licence and all cards used in health and other services will put the UAE on the way to a fully electronic state, a police spokesman said yesterday.

Each electronic card, bearing a special number, will include the individual's blood group, fingerprints, and other biological characteristics. It will be linked to all government departments to ensure quicker services. "This card will bear the most personal information about the holder," said Lt Col Ahmed Nasser Al Raisi, Director of Information Technology at Abu Dhabi Police.

"It will be an alternative to many personal cards being used by citizens and residents, including the labour and health cards, the driving licence and other cards. This vital project will help the UAE in strategic planning and provide a ready population census. It is considered the infrastructure for the planned UAE electronic government."

The Ministry of Interior announced in August it had struck a deal worth around Dh194 million with France's Sagem company to produce the advanced cards, which are expected to be distributed to the public in November next year.

The card will have a lifetime validity and expatriates can keep it even after leaving the UAE and re-use it when they return on a visit or for work.

Quelle: Gulf-News

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