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Friday, 5.07.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
Sheikh Saud bin Saqr Al Qasimi, Ras Al Khaimah Crown Prince, affirmed yesterday that he would propel the emirate into a bright future.

A raft of changes, including law reform and a watchdog on the performance of public servants, comprise Sheikh Saud's prescription for improving the quality of life and attracting new enterprise to Ras Al Khaimah. Efficient, hard-working staff will be rewarded, and the lazy ones punished. "My main objective is to improve Ras Al Khaimah in all aspects of life, and make a difference, especially in the economic sphere," he said.

"We need to know the exact responsibilities of every department to implement a new monitoring system. Each head and director general of every department should submit a detailed report on the performance of his department in two weeks.

"We should all fight routine and make the procedures more flexible. My door will be open 24 hours to all department heads to discuss notes and new creative ideas to enhance life."

The recently-appointed Crown Prince was speaking at a meeting with heads of local and federal departments at the Emiri Court. He will personally go through the reports and issue recommendations.

"These reports will tell us about the work in each department and the problems. Services will be improved and people will feel the change very soon. The departments will play their roles and foster change."

Every employee will be questioned even on small details of his work. He called on departments to facilitate procedures to make things easier for people. The Government of Ras Al Khaimah will work under the directives of President His Highness Sheikh Zayed bin Sultan Al Nahyan who has repeatedly called for the development of all individuals.

He said Ras Al Khaimah will adopt e-government in the very near future and Dubai will be the model. Departments will be ordered to take steps to achieve the goal.

"UAE national women are equal to men and will be given the same job opportunities. Women will be given training in the workplace. They will be recruited in local and federal departments to play their role in the progress of the emirate."

Sheikh Saud underlined the importance of investment in Ras Al Khaimah and encouraging capital to come. All obstacles will be removed.

Laws will be implemented to guarantee true development. However, laws in the courts will be amended soon to create a better social and economic environment for investment.

Sheikh Saud said a key step to development is to increase the number of the projects which will ultimately raise the price of land.

On raising budgets, Sheikh Saud said it will depend on the performance of departments. Raising salaries of national employees is currently under study.

On the Ras Al Khaimah Executive Council, he said a decision will be taken in due course.

Quelle: Gulf-News

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