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Thursday, 19.09.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
Delegation commends Dubai's e-transformation experience and leading position in knowledge-based economy

Dubai eGovernment has recently hosted a high-profile delegation from Singapore headed by Lui Tuck Yew, Acting Minister of Information, Communications and the Arts. The delegation also included Dileep Nair, Consul General of Singapore in Dubai, and Shaikh Umar, Director of the Middle East Center, Infocomm Development Authority of Singapore. The visit aimed for the delegation to study the emirate’s leading e-transformation experience and get familiarized with the IT methodologies used to enhance the performance, effectiveness and productivity of government departments.

During the visit, the Singaporean delegation was given a detailed presentation on Dubai eGovernment’s services and facilities and its efforts to establish the Government Information Network (GIN), which will enable government departments to exchange information rapidly within a secure environment. There was also a discussion of how government departments benefited from Dubai eGovernment's systems and synergistic services such as the Tarasol System (official correspondence), Government Resources Management and Planning System, which enables government departments to effectively manage their human and financial resources, ePay portal, , the unified contact centre Ask Dubai, SMS service (mDubai) and others.

The delegation also listened to a presentation about the official portal of Dubai Government (, which allows the public to benefit from over 2,000 interactive eServices including various transactions and requests for information from different government departments. The delegation was briefed on the strict quality standards implemented by Dubai’s government departments to ensure high quality of websites and eServices. The delegation was also briefed on the procedures that Dubai eGovernment adopted to restructure and automate government procedures to enable them to keep pace with the modern requirements.

The meeting provided an opportunity for representatives from both sides to exchange ideas and best practices that would contribute to boosting "e-transformation" strategies. To this effect, the participants discussed the challenges faced by eGovernments in their quest to keep up with the new developments in technology and management practices.

Ahmed Mohammed Bin Humaidan, Director-General, Dubai eGovernment Department, said: “The successes we have achieved in the past years in the field of providing eServices and synergistic services are merely a starting point that will be used to make more successes. As such, we will work harder to make the virtual Dubai eGovernment the preferred platform for the public to deal with in order to get government services. In this regard, we are pleased to share our eGovernance experience and expertise with other eGovernments from all over the world.” Bin Humaidan underscored the importance of the meeting with the Singaporean delegation for boosting and developing relations with other countries and benefiting from the best practices wherever they are.”

The Singaporean delegates, for their part, expressed their appreciation of the achievements made by Dubai Government in the field of eGovernance and assured that they would continue to cooperate and exchange experiences with their counterparts from Dubai.

Dubai eGovernment’s comprehensive portal ( allows citizens, residents, visitors and businesses to access more than 2,000 eServices, such as payment of municipality fees, visa applications for relatives, health card renewal, company registration, payments for Roads and Transport Authority fines etc...


Quelle/Source: Al Bawaba, 06.04.2009

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