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Friday, 5.07.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
Bahrain tops the Arab world in e-government readiness, a UN report has revealed.

The kingdom stands second only to Israel in West Asia, ahead of Cyprus and Turkey.

The UN Global E-Government Readiness Report 2004 was prepared by its Economics and Social Affairs Department. The report is titled Towards Access for Opportunity.

"We are proud to stand first in the Arab world in e-government readiness, following an independent survey carried out by the UN," said Central Informatics Organisation (CIO) acting president Shaikh Ahmed bin Ateyatulla Al Khalifa.

Among the e-government projects which gave an edge to Bahrain over other countries are His Majesty King Hamad's Future Schools Project and the Smart Card project initiated by His Majesty, said Shaikh Ahmed.

"Other successful projects surveyed in Bahrain include the Government Data Network, which connects all government departments through a single network, and the e-voting project," said Shaikh Ahmed.

The UN team carried out a survey on e-government readiness among all the member countries.

The survey in Bahrain was sponsored and supervised by the UN last year and was conducted in association with the CIO. Among the world nations, Bahrain's ranking is 48. The ranking of other GCC countries: UAE 60, Qatar 80, Saudi Arabia 90, Kuwait 100 and Oman 127.

The ranking of some of the other countries in West Asia: Israel 23, Cyprus 49, Turkey 57, Jordan 68, Lebanon 74, Iraq 103 and Yemen 154.

Autor: Soman Baby

Quelle: Gulf Daily New, 24.02.2005

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