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Friday, 5.07.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
Bahrain will begin a trial issue of a revolutionary national 'smart' ID card by the first quarter next year, according to a senior official, writes Shereen Bushehri.

"The actual issue will begin by the end of 2005 and will include all personal information including bank records and fingerprints," said a spokesperson at the Central Informatics Organisation (CIO). "Next year will witness the real launch of the e-government as a number of ministries will start offering many of their services electronically in the first months of 2005," he said.

Most government services will be online by the end of next year.

"The trial issue of the new Smart ID Card will carry combined data from the present Central Population Register (CPR) card, driver's licence and passport and ID details. It will also include information related to the card holder's health records, banking details, education file and fingerprints," he said.

He said card holders will also be able to use the new Smart Card for a wide range of financial transactions. The Smart Card will also be used during the parliamentary and municipal elections to be held in 2006

. "With its launch, residents of the kingdom will become one of the world's most advanced technological populations," he said.

Development of the card has been assigned to Gulf Card, a Bahraini-Malaysian company.

The current ID card contains only conventional data such as the address, employment and immigration details.

The initiative boosts the kingdom's e-government drive towards building an "intelligent Kingdom".

"By helping our government staff through individual training and developing information technology skills we are better equipped in driving our e-government initiative successfully," he said.

Quelle: MENAFN, 16.11.2004

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