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Wednesday, 3.07.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001

A system to monitor municipal violations and provide a comprehensive database of the offences was launched yesterday.

Through a single electronic portal and electronic devices, it will also help check the status of existing violations and the whereabouts of inspectors.

The ‘Mobile Monitoring System’ was inaugurated by Deputy Prime Minister Shaikh Khalid bin Abdulla Al Khalifa who is also the development and infrastructure projects ministerial committee chairman under the Works, Municipalities Affairs and Urban Planning Ministry.

The launch followed the committee’s approval of the system and its application across all municipalities after previously being confined to a limited geographical space under the Capital Trustees Authority for a trial period.

During the launch Shaikh Khalid was briefed about the system’s mechanism which included its ability to issue completed construction and reclamation certificates, monitor and amend violations including advertisements, Commercial Registrations, among others.

It also allows for the appropriate action necessary to recover insurance money, following up on court verdicts along with complaints and resolutions while also providing an ease of access for information in regards to violations and an archive system.

“The government, headed by His Royal Highness Prime Minister Prince Khalifa bin Salman Al Khalifa and supported by His Royal Highness Prince Salman bin Hamad Al Khalifa, Crown Prince, Deputy Supreme Commander and First Deputy Premier, has a special interest in raising the efficiency and effectiveness of the public sector,” said Shaikh Khalid on the occasion.

“This is done through reviewing and updating the engineering and government services and their integration between the authorities, and strengthening oversight accountability and transparency in compliance with the provisions of the Government Action Plan (2019-2022).

“Among these operations are municipal inspection systems that signal an alert about violations when they happen which reduces the occurrence of violations as much as possible and they also ensure the proper implementation of the law in case they do happen.”

He also added that those systems used to be traditionally managed and required entering data and details after monitoring violations in different locations while as a result of modern technology and innovation the tasks of inspection and monitoring are more accurate and achieve higher compliance with laws and regulations.

The system was launched at Shaikh Khalid’s office at Gudaibiya Palace in the presence of Works, Municipalities Affairs and Urban Planning Minister Essam Khalaf and Information and eGovernment (iGA) Authority chief executive Mohammed Al Qaed along with officials from both bodies.

“The launch of the ‘Mobile Monitoring System’ is a shift in dealing with municipal violations of all kinds and an approach that the ministry will continue to pursue in order to transform and integrate its systems with modern technologies to maximise their utilisation in the development of ministry work in general and municipal work in particular,” said Mr Khalaf.


Quelle/Source: Zawya, 20.01.2020

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