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Friday, 5.07.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001

The Ministry of Education (MoE)'s Assistant Undersecretary for Planning and Data, Nawal Ebrahim Al Khater, said the ministry has completed the modernisation and updating of its website in cooperation between the Data Management Systems Directorate and the Informatics and E-Government Authority to monitor and block any hacking attempts.

The move comes as part of the ministry's digital educational empowerment scheme.

The ministry's official website includes the "Educational Portal" service which enables parents of students to view textbooks and grades obtained by their children. It also encourages teachers to innovate and manage the educational process anytime anywhere to maintain continual online communication with students and parents.

The portal allows communication between teachers and management and provides means of teaching/learning to satisfy and meet the expectations of students, promotes interaction, productivity and engages all parties of the educational process and teaching and administrative staff.


Quelle/Source: Bahrain News Agency, 25.01.2016

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