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eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001

eGovernment Authority (eGA) Vice CEO Dr. Zakareya Ahmed Al-Khaja announced eGA’s adoption of the Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) related to Customer Satisfaction Index (BHCSI) which was carried-out in collaboration with the University of Bahrain. He also revealed the results of the indicator and the study that was conducted in 2014, based on professionalism and transparency.

The announcement was made during a press conference that was held on the second day of the Bahrain International eGovernment Forum 2015, which included the faculty of Information Technology College at the University of Bahrain - Head of Information Systems Department Dr. Jafla Al-Ammari, along with Dr. Hayat Al-Ali and Dr. Amal Al-Rayes; together with Dr. Al-Khaja.

The study included a survey on customer satisfaction, the level of awareness of the eGovernment services, the impact the services has on customers as well as the level of interaction with government entities – all measured through a comprehensive questionnaire on three sections – individual, government and business sector, this came as part of the National eGovernment Strategy 2016 requirements.

Dr. Jafla Al-Ammari mentioned that the study, prepared by the University of Bahrain to measure the impact of eGA in regards to the national economy, illustrated the ministries professional performance, the facilitating services for individuals and the community’s transition to a digital society. The study revealed that for individuals; time is reduced by 71% to complete a service, reduction of material costs by 75%, the positive impact of government institutions have improved by 75% enabling them to provide their services with professionalism by 74%, while it reveals a shift to digital society by 77% and the empowerment of people with disabilities by 75%.

She added that the results also revealed women’s level of interaction and awareness in regards to eServices in comparison to men. Dr. Zakareya from his end stressed that the results reflect the eGovernment encouragement to urge equal opportunities for women, enabling them to complete all government-related work effortlessly.

The Vice CEO also exposed the eGovernment Authority’s keenness on taking citizens’ opinions into consideration and operating in accordance. This year’s strategy was developed using various methods, eGA opted for a more neutral, non-profit and professional manner to conduct the study that will contribute to the improvement of services; in addition to work on KPIs that can be measured periodically as a unified model, supporting global standards and can be used in the coming years.

The results of the study also disclosed that the level of awareness of eService is high, accounting to an average of 89.1% ratio in all sectors, (86.1% individuals, 90% businesses, and 91.2% government), but the difference was in choice of channel citizens opted ranged between 45% and 85%.

Furthermore, average of 82.3% was reflected on citizens high-level of eService usage (78% individuals, 86% business, 83% government), despite the need for developing a number of channels according to the results shown in regards to citizens level of satisfaction with each channel.

The authority has been able to achieve 79.4 of the Bahrain Customer Satisfaction Index (BHCSI) that was previously set, exceeding global benchmark of 70 for business sector - according to the credible results from researchers at the University of Bahrain.

Dr. Amal AlRayes stated that team worked on this study for six months, comprising professors and academic researchers, along with ten employees were dedicate to provide the needed support and 40 students to do the research and date collection.

Dr. Hayat AlAali stated that in regards to future plans of eServices, participants of the study were shown a range of eGovernment initiatives where they were asked to prioritize them based on significance. The study revealed that participants favor developing and personalizing: eGovernment Portal Content, protection and security of information, more awareness campaigns; additional services such as the eService provided by the Social Insurance Organization, and finally a link between banking organizations and the eGovernment.

The presentation was concluded with a number of recommendations to increase the level of customer satisfaction and further develop the field of eServices. Leading the list of recommendations was strengthening the role of the National Suggestions and Complaint System ‘Tawasul’ and focus on the response rate, being a significant element to reach the desired customer satisfaction level. In addition, increase the role of customers by involving them in the decision-making process with the government.


Quelle/Source: Bahrain News Agency, 16.03.2015

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