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Monday, 8.07.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
Bahrain Internet Society (BIS) hailed the plans and efforts of the Kingdom of Bahrain’s government projected with extreme clarity and transparency through its 2015-2018 Action Plan under the slogan "Towards justice, security and well-being of society" that was presented by the Prime Minister, His Royal Highness Prince Khalifa bin Salman Al Khalifa, in his keynote speech, which he delivered during a meeting at the Parliament last week, in the presence of Crown Prince, Deputy Supreme Commander and First Deputy Prime Minister HRH Prince Salman bin Hamad Al Khalifa.

On this occasion Nawaf Abdulrahman, President of the Bahrain Internet Society (BIS) praised the new outstanding comprehensive Government Action Plan (GAP), which focuses on the development of infrastructure in the different areas and walks of life with a full package of large-scale projects in order to provide and develop social , educational, health and economic services and facilities necessary for citizens, residents, domestic and foreign investors, disseminate the culture of the Information and Communication Technology via harnessing the latest means of ICT and Internet Technology, and the continuation of work to convert all types of government and private sector services to electronic services that are accessible to all.

Abdulrahman praised HRH Prince Khalifa bin Salman Al Khalifa’s efforts, supported by HRH Prince Salman bin Hamad Al Khalifa, that have come together in solidarity and support of His Majesty King Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa’s reform project, which contributed to push forward national development in all fields.

In this context, and as part of the society’s role in spreading and encouraging the culture of ICT and Internet, electronic creativity and innovation, e-Content development involving individuals and institutions; public and private sector alike, A.Rahman said: "The society supports the GAP’s articles and plans for the development of information and communication, and Internet technology affairs, which proved its importance and remarkable efficacy in bringing about social and economic development significantly and continuously since the launch of the His Majesty the King’s reforms project in 1999. "

Abdulrahman highlighted the articles relevant to the development of telecommunications and postal services that include two main points; modernization of the national telecommunications plan in the Kingdom and the follow up of its implementation with the Telecommunications Regulatory Authority (TRA), and working with the private sector on the development of the national broadband network to enhance the competitive ability of companies to provide fast, distinguished and competitive services. As for the article that encompass the improvement and simplification of procedures in the provision of services in the public sector, it includes the enhancement and integration of government communication, the provision and development of electronic services, enhancement of electronic security and the development of appropriate laws and regulations in the relevant area. Abdulrahman emphasised the supportive professional and effective role of the society in the implementation of these articles, as the society is a partner and supporter of the work and initiatives of individuals, and both public and private sectors.

In example of the society’s cooperation with government institutions and bodies, BIS has its clear contributions in supporting the e-Government Authority’s efforts and initiatives in promoting InformationTechnology and communication sources and mediums to achieve the common objectives of both parties and the success of the government's GAP in this field. Initially, BIS worked as one of the co-organisers for the main annual Bahrain International e-Government Forum for more than 3 years. BIS also collaborated with the Ministry of Industry and Commerce to organise the annual Gulf Internet Week and cooperated with the Telecommunications Regulatory Authority (TRA) in its work with the Consumer Consultancy Group affiliated with the TRA. It also cooperated with the Ministry of Education, General Organisation for Youth and Sports (GOYS), University of Bahrain (UoB) and other universities, through providing awareness seminars, and participating in relevant activities.

Moreover, BIS played an important role in involving individuals and both public and private institutions in the Kingdom of Bahrain in international awards such as the World Summit Award (WSA) and World Summit Youth Award (WSYA) and on regional basis, Arab e-Content Award in which a number of participating Bahrainis and residents of the Kingdom of Bahrain won numerous awards, making BIS an effective element in drawing the regional and global road map for the development of the means of IT and e-Content, and even the development of Internet governance laws via its participation in relevant multiple global organisations involved in this field. Furthermore, BIS launched a special local e-Content award in Bahrain; "Bahrain e-Content Award" and encourages innovation in its local activities and events in the ICT field.

Nawaf Abdulrahman expressed his pride towards the consistency and commitment of the society to its professional doctrine and raising Bahrain’s flag in all arenas, conferences and events inside and outside the country, while it plays its role to support the government's efforts to keep up with rapid and sustainable global development in ICT and Internet technology, which is influencing all walks of life in Bahrain at all levels.

Finally, Nawaf Abdul Rahman stressed the successful integrated and exciting model of cooperation between BIS and both public and private sectors relevant to the development of ICT and Internet technology, and the permanent and continuous cooperation with institutions and government bodies, which is considered also a double model reflected clearly in BIS relationship with the specialised working sector in this area. Abdulrahman emphasised that the society will remain committed to sustaining and developing this successful integrated model by all means, while wishing the government all the success in achieving GAP desired objectives for the coming 4 years.


Quelle/Source: Bahrain News Agency, 13.01.2015

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