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Monday, 16.09.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
Deputy Premier and Head of the Supreme Committee for Information Technology and Communication Shaikh Mohammed Bin Mubarak Al Khalifa chaired at Gudaibiya Palace today the committee's 34th meeting.

He stressed that the committee aims at providing government services via electronic media and modern technology tools to achieve the highest degree of transparency, efficiency, effectiveness, quality and performance. He added the Committee also aims to reduce the cost of these services for the beneficiaries, pointing out that this issue requires from all concerned parties to show full interest in the application of this strategy to promote Bahrain's status in this regard.

During the meeting, Booz & Co (BOOZ & Co) Global Advisory designated by the E-Government Authority for the preparation of E-government strategy 2012-2016, introduced a presentation on the main objectives of the strategy and the performance indicators to be achieved.

Booz & Co also presented a review of the major projects to be implemented during the next two years.

The Committee listened to a joint presentation by the E-Government Authority, the Telecommunications Regulatory Authority and the Ministry of Education about the United Nations’ report on E-government 2012, the development plans to be taken by the Kingdom, the index of telecommunication infrastructure and the index of the human capital.

The Committee also reviewed the latest developments concerning the E-government 2012 forum, which will be held for the fifth time in the Kingdom of Bahrain from April 9 to 12 under the auspices of Deputy Prime Minister Shaikh Mohammed Bin Mubarak Al Khalifa. This forum is organized by the E-government authority in cooperation with Bahrain’s Engineers Society and Bahrain Internet Society, and Project Management Institute (Gulf Branch).

The Supreme Committee urged the ministries and government bodies to provide support and assistance for the Forum through participation and registration, describing the event as an opportunity to exchange expertise and discuss developments in the field of information technology and communications.

On the other hand, the Supreme Committee demanded ministries and the beneficiaries of the project (Zajil Telecom Web Mail) to provide information and documents required for the transition to the new system. It stressed the importance of strengthening security aspects related to the protection and confidentiality of information in this project.

Regarding the committee's major achievements on the Governance of ICT in government bodies, the Supreme Committee adopted the national framework for the development of government websites in accordance to international standards set up by the United Nations.

The committee also recommended the formation of a work team from several government parties to study the needs of government bodies for the project of the management of electronic documents.


Quelle/Source: Bahrain News Agency, 27.03.2012

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