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eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
An official delegation from the Brunei Darussalam has recently visited the Kingdom of Bahrain and met the eGovernment Authority officials to get a closer look at the Kingdom of Bahrain experience in the eGovernment field and the transition towards a digital society.

On this occasion, Mr. Mohammed Ali Al Qaed the CEO of the eGovernment Authority (EGA) received the Brunei Darussalam delegation headed by Mr. Dato Seri, Deputy Minister at the Prime Minister's Office, Mr. Awang Abdul Mutalib, Deputy Permanent Secretary at the Prime Minister's Office, Mr. Awang Haji Mohidin, in Acting Senior Special Duties Officer at the Prime Minister's Office, as well as Mr. Awang Shamsualbahri the Head of Executive IT Protective Security Services, (ITPSS), Mrs. Dayang Abdul Ghani, Senior System Analyst at the eGovernment National Center (EGNC), and Mrs. Dayang Mohammed, Manager,Authority For Info-Communications Technology Industry of Brunei Darussalam, (AITI).

Where the eGovernment Authority officials gave a presentation to the delegation on the eGovernment Authority program, objectives, operations and its United Nation experience in attaining high ranking positions. The delegation was also briefed on the development phases of the eGovernment in Bahrain and its mechanism in integrating the ministries and governmental entities.

The eGovernment Authority highlighted the marketing plans and awareness campaigns on the eservices provided on its 4 channels: online National Portal, the Mobile Gateway, the eServices Center and the National Call Center which shall be launched soon.

The topics also included the institutional infrastructure aimed to unify policies, procedures and principles of the ITC used by government bodies in order to better place investment in the technology infrastructure and avoid duplication in implementing the projects. This would increase the efficiency of technology systems and their contribution in information exchange among government entities to shorten the long required procedures and reduce the time needed for completion of various government transactions. These initiatives aim at first place to provide high quality services for the citizens, residents, visitors and business sector in line with Bahrain Vision 2030.

The meeting included simplified explanation on the importance of the United Nations' Report on the Government Readiness, its methodology and criteria adopted in the field of eGovernment as a tool to increase information reach and provide government services to the public. A reference was made to the approach adopted by the Kingdom of Bahrain to reach high results in the latest report issued beginning of 2010.

Furthermore, available cooperation opportunities were reviewed for a number of projects with the Bahrain eGovernment Authority in addition to exchange of expertise in the field of transformation towards the eGovernment.


Autor(en)/Author(s): Husam Odiabat

Quelle/Source: AME Info, 29.04.2010

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