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Bahrain has the potential to become a hub for e-content in the Arab region, an international creativity expert declared yesterday. The country has already successfully used advances in information and communication technology for innovative applications and creative content, said World Summit Award (WSA) board chairman Professor Dr Peter Bruck.

"Bahrain is ahead of other countries in the region in terms of having a mechanism as well as an open, fair and objective evaluation of e-content," he told the GDN.

"Through the e-content award, Bahrain has provided a forum for organisations and individuals to compete for quality and excellence."

Dr Bruck was speaking on the sidelines of the Bahrain e-content Awards (BEA) ceremony at the Sheraton Hotel.

Thirty awards in support of the e-content industry in Bahrain were presented at the event, held under the patronage of Deputy Prime Minister and Supreme Committee for Information and Communication Technology (SCICT) chairman Shaikh Mohammed bin Mubarak Al Khalifa.

The event, organised by the e-Government Authority, Industry and Commerce Ministry, Bahrain Internet Society (BIS) and private sector organisations, was attended by government ministers, Shura Council and parliament members, diplomats and businessmen.

Shaikh Mohammed stressed the importance of fostering e-content as it helps develop Bahrain's capabilities in technological fields and called for more initiatives that support e-content innovations and build up e-content.

He said the Information and Communication Technology (ICT) field was advancing at an ever-increased pace across the globe, affording everyone the opportunity to take advantage of the trend and achieve further growth and progress in all fields and aspects of life.

"The Bahrain government, through its national ICT strategy, is always striving to offer the most of modern technologies," added Shaikh Mohammed.

"The fruits of these efforts can be clearly seen in the superior governmental services offered to citizens, residents and businesses, thus helping Bahrain become a hub of investment, finance and human capital."

Shaikh Mohammed congratulated the winners and encouraged them to persevere working and developing their websites as well as keeping up to date with the latest advances in ICT for the benefit of Bahrain.

Minister of State for Cabinet Affairs Shaikh Ahmed bin Ateyatala Al Khalifa hailed the success of the competition, which plays a pioneering role in supporting and stimulating various technological sectors in Bahrain.

"Modern technology now affects every aspect of our daily lives, not the least of which is e-content, one of the most important products of modern information technology systems in the international community," he said.

"E-content works side by side with transportation, communication, education, healthcare, the various products we use and everything else that affects our lives."

Shaikh Ahmed emphasised that e-content was no longer merely a technology, but allowed for the creation of an information society managed by individuals capable of digital innovation.

"Thus, e-content is now more than just a vehicle of information transfer, but a tool which shapes the human mind," he said.

"Today's event is the result of the combined efforts of our government and civil initiatives in bringing more local talent into e-content."

BEA organising committee president Ahmed Al Hujairy said the awards aimed to promote a knowledge-based society by supporting e-content innovation on a government, private sector and individual level.

"The event has succeeded in pushing the creativity of Bahraini talents to impressive levels," he said.

This year's BEA theme was The Bahrain e-Content Awards - expand your horizon globally."

Mr Bruck said international e-content always required local e-content and local e-content required local innovative producers and developers.

"Hence, the WSA looks at the BEA with a favourable eye as it is one of the first local competitions in the world whose winners are nominated to enter the WSA," he added.

The WSA event was launched in Geneva in 2003 and was followed by Tunis in 2005 and Venice in 2007.

This year's event will be held in Mexico in June and will be preceded by a meeting of the grand jury in New Delhi from April 2 to 8.

The top winners from 10 categories in Bahrain will compete in Mexico.

Shaikh Mohammed presented this year's 24 winners and six special mention entries with their awards.

In addition, the 11-member judging panel, headed by representatives from the WSA was also recognised for its efforts during the course of the competition.

The organising committee also presented a commemorative gift to the Deputy Prime Minister in recognition of his patronage of this year's awards ceremony.


Autor(en)/Author(s): Soman Baby

Quelle/Source: Gulf Daily News, 17.03.2009

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