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Friday, 5.07.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
The Public Works Department is expecting its revenue to increase and less complaints from customers regarding delays in receiving their water bills, with the introduction of a new billing system introduced recently.

Tutong is the first district to implement the system which is part of the Ministry of Development's e-government projects. The advanced national e-Billing Integrated System (eBIS), aims to enhance the provision of metering and billing services to the public.

It will allow customers to check their water bills via the Internet.

"So far there has been a good response," said an engineer from the Public Works Department.

She said previously, meter readers have to read the meters and come back to the office and the staff would manually key in the readings.

The new system that has been implemented in Tutong on the 6th of this month, will allow meter readers to read and "print the bill on-site" using a handheld computer and a carry-on printer.

"So it actually speeds up the issuance of Bills so the customer can pay the bill the next day," said the officer who wished to remain anonymous.

She added that previously it took more than two weeks for customers to receive and pay their bills.

"It is definitely more efficient and effective."

She also explained that the system consists of a processed workflow. "All our work procedures have been incorporated in the billing system, so we can carry out our work according to the procedures," she said.

She also expects an increase in revenue "because customers can receive their bills on the spot, and come pay the next day".

When asked whether the Tutong residents have affirmed to the idea of immediate bill-paying, she responded, "They have gotten their bills and some customers have paid the following day."

She said the project started in February this year. "So far we haven't had any feedback from customers," she conceded.

The new system will be carried out in stages in the other districts, with Temburong and Belait the next, as of September 1, 2007.

Brunei-Muara will begin on September 10.

Autor(en)/Author(s): Ben Ng

Quelle/Source: Brunei Direct, 15.08.2007

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